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Wall Street Insider Makes Prediction about Hot A.I. Stock

A.I. is set to create $7 trillion in new wealth but 50-year Wall Street legend warns most investors are buying the wrong stocks. Learn more in his free report, which includes ratings of 3 popular stocks (BULLISH, NEUTRAL, or BEARISH). Click 'Yes! Please Send Me My Free Report' Below for FREE Access.

By clicking 'yes' above, you are agreeing to receive email communications from Chaikin Analytics.

 Get “Buy” and “Sell” Ratings from Wall Street’s Top Analysts

Not sure what stocks to buy and what stocks to sell? Get the latest “buy” and “sell” ratings from Wall Street’s top-rated and most trusted research analysts with MarketBeat’s free daily ratings newsletter.


Click 'Yes, I'd Like To Subscribe to the Newsletter!' to learn more. 

By clicking the ‘yes’ button above, you will be opting in to receive MarketBeat's daily newsletter.

Want to End Money Worries with a Simple Secret?

Yes! This free guide reveals a simple secret that has ended money worries for thousands of people. You'll find everything you need to start turning small sums of cash into a BIG source of income, all laid out in very short, easy-to-understand terms. Click 'YES' to download your guide and transform your financial outlook!


Don't Miss Out! Includes an Entertaining Bonus Video – Click 'YES' Now!

By clicking above, you are agreeing to receive email communications from Tradewins.

Want to Turn Small Sums of Cash into a BIG Source of Income?

Yes! This free guide reveals the simple secret that has changed financial outlooks for thousands, all laid out in very short, easy-to-understand language. This strategy could end your money worries just like it did for countless others. Click 'YES' to download your guide and begin your journey to income independence!
Act Fast! Limited Free Copies Available – Plus, Enjoy an Entertaining Bonus Video! Click 'YES' Now!

By clicking above, you are agreeing to receive email communications from Tradewins.

This Could be the Biggest Stock Story of 2023

A.I. is the hottest trend in the U.S. stock market. But one 50-year Wall Street legend warns thousands of investors are about to get hurt. Learn more in his free report, which includes names of 3 popular stocks to watch during the A.I. frenzy.


Click 'Yes!' to receive access to your free report.

By clicking above, you are agreeing to receive email communications from Chaikin Analytics.

Free Issue of Trade of the Day!

Get an issue of my members only newsletter, including this week's biggest potential trading recommendation absolutely FREE! Click 'Yes, Please Send Me My Free Newsletter' below to get your newsletter now!

By clicking 'yes' above, you are agreeing to receive email communications from Trade of the Day.

Is it Possible for You to Start Making $5,000 - $20,000 Per Month Trading?

Yes! It's most definitely possible. It's also possible to lose money... especially if you don't know what you are doing. That's why we created this free guide to show you the proven methods used by successful traders. Click "YES" to receive your free guide and begin your journey to potentially earning $5,000 to $20,000 monthly through options trading.

By clicking above, you are agreeing to receive email communications from Tradewins.

Despite The TSLA Crash,

These Traders Are 9 For 9

Dear reader,

Most Tesla Shareholders are disappointed in the stock's performance in 2024.

Year to date, it's down 30%...

And things don’t seem to be getting better.

That said, one professional trader has found a way to turn Tesla’s demise into a flurry of opportunity

As of this mailing he’s 9 for 9 with incredible wins under his belt.

Just see for yourself. 

Now of course, I’m not saying this man never loses a trade…

Despite being considered one of the top options under 40 years old, he does post a loss from time to time.

But thanks to something he calls the Perfect Tesla Trade he’s been able to thrive regardless of which direction Tesla is moving…

In fact, he’s hosting a free training webinar where he’ll teach you how to execute the Perfect Tesla Trade right in your own account…

Granted, we cannot promise future returns or against losses, but  if you like to see what it’s all about, just cllck the button below.

As you’ll see there’s something special that happens with shares of Tesla each Thursday afternoon…

And it opens up a new opportunity to target needle moving returns in usually just a few days.

So, if you want to see how it's done, just enter your email address on the next page and you’ll be taken to his special training webinar.


Don't miss out, click the button below that says 'Take Me To This Training Webinar'.

*By clicking the button you are opting in to receive emails from The TradingPub and its partners.

Past performance is not indicative of any future results. Trade at your own risk. From 7/20/23 - 3/25/24 on live trades the win rate is 75%, the average return is 20.07% on the options over a 3 day average hold time.

The Best AI Stock to Own in the World Today is Trading for Just $25


Dear Reader,


Make no mistake. AI is the biggest story of our lifetime.


It is going to have huge implications for you, no matter where you live, what you do or how much money you have.


Jeff Bezos says, “It is a renaissance; it is a golden age … we are now solving problems with artificial intelligence that were in the realm of science fiction for decades.”


Bill Gates declared, “AI has the potential to change the world in ways that we can’t even imagine.”


And Google co-founder, Sergey Brin, says, “This is the most significant computing development in my lifetime.”


Artificial intelligence will be more disruptive in the next ten years than any other over the previous 50 years.


More disruptive than personal computers… the internet… even smartphones.


That’s because it’s not just going to disrupt one industry … or even two.


It’s going to disrupt them all.


And what we know for sure is with all that disruption comes incredible opportunity.


That means there is still a lot of money to be made… If you invest in the right AI companies.


I’ve found what I believe is the best AI stock to own in the world today.


Few people have heard of it… and it’s trading for just $25 a share.


An early-stage investment could put you in the best possible position to make 2024 your most profitable year yet.


I reveal all the details you need to get started in this short presentation.

Click “Yes, Show Me The Best AI Stock To Own” button below to learn more.

To view the video, click the button below that says "Yes, Show Me The Best AI Stock To Own".

Today: Access This 98.7%

Win-Rate Portfolio

Dear Reader,

One of the best ways to generate income from your trading efforts is to make sure that drawdowns are minimal to non-existent...

Which is why my favorite income-generating strategy consistently achieves a 98.7% win rate.

In fact, out of 315 trades, 311 have been winners.

Imagine if you had followed along with these trades yourself.

Hi, this is Don Kaufman.  As a self-made millionaire trader who has trained over 7 million traders globally, I'm thrilled to share a unique pattern in the stock market that can transform your trading results… and can potentially help you achieve the income you’ve always wanted from your trading efforts (or at least some of the income you want to achieve.  Unfortunately, what you’re about to learn about isn’t a magic wand… but it’s a close second).

In my exclusive video, "The Great American Income Project," I reveal the secret behind this incredible win rate and how other traders just like you are using it right now to generate extra income on a regular basis.

Watch the video now by clicking Take Me To The Income Video button below.

*By following the “Take Me To The Income Video” button above, you will be subscribed to Theo Trade’s e-letter.

This Tech Could Be Worth 25 Nvidias

Are You Ready for AI's Potential Supercycle Phase?


Dear Reader,


Amazon’s Jeff Bezos surprised investors when he revealed that one emerging technology is the key to Amazon’s future success…


In fact, Bezos argued that “it’s hard to overstate the impact” of this game-changing technology.


Back in 2017, legendary tech analyst Cathie Wood, CEO of ARK Invest, wholeheartedly agreed, echoing that this opportunity could present a “$17 Trillion opportunity by 2037…roughly worth 39 Amazon’s.” Since then, advancements in this tech have gone absolutely insane, with market caps skyrocketing, valuations booming, and millionaires minted almost daily.


In fact, Wood has since revised predictions, saying:


This technology could be worth $80 trillion by 2030.


To put that into perspective, that’s:

  • 39 Amazons 
  • 23 Microsofts 
  • 25 Nvidias 
  • 34 Alphabets 
  • And 519 IBMs

What in the world could be worth that much?


The answer is a radical tech breakthrough that is transforming every walk of life.


And this giant leap forward has many on Wall Street very excited.


And if you’re an investor, I haven’t even told you the best part…


Because one remarkable company is the backbone of this entire industry.


In fact, according to The Verge, manufacturers pushing this magical technology forward are “wholly dependent” on this one tiny company.

More on that in a second, but I’m amazed at how the super-rich are reacting to this technology:

  • A Shark Tank billionaire says it will create the world’s first trillionaire 
  • Baidu CEO, Robin Li, pivoted his entire company — which includes his multi-billion stake — to take advantage 
  • Even super investor Warren Buffett says that it will have a "hugely beneficial social effect”

When so many successful people are all saying the same thing, it usually pays to listen.


And while we love Amazon, Nvidia, Alphabet, and Microsoft and still recommend them to our members…


One small company (not Nvidia) is providing the technology behind these powerful components, and we see it as one of the true, enduring leaders in this futuristic technology.


And with everything I’m hearing coming out of Silicon Valley and Wall Street…


I don’t feel like I’m very far out on a limb with this “bold” prediction:


Five years from now, you’ll probably wish you’d bought this stock.


And the good news is that you can find out all about this company and this extraordinary technology today.


Because I’ve laid out the full story on this incredible tech trend in an exclusive report.


And you are going to want to see this report before you invest $1 on any tech company.


Because inside you’ll discover:

  • A full dossier on the impact of Artificial Intelligence 
  • Why some mega-rich investors are rushing to cash in on this tech trend. 
  • How one legendary investor is preparing for this incredible opportunity. 
  • Several more recommended stocks.

But if you want to get in on this opportunity, I encourage you to act quickly.


Because the story of the coming boom is already starting to leak out.


If you want to find out which AI stock we're talking about, click the button below that says "Yes, Tell Me More!"

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$5k To $1.3m In Just 3 Trades

This Consistently Signaled Gains Of 453%... 610%... And Even 1036%...

It doesn’t happen often, but occasionally, something completely unique comes across my radar.

In this case, I’m talking about legal “Insider Trading”.

These traders have consistently signaled 453% … 610% .. and even 1036%... gains.

And until now they have been doing it completely under the radar.

In fact, it’s one of the best kept secrets on Wall Street.

But in an upcoming interview the market expert Steven Place will be revealing the strategy behind this gold-mine and how you can piggy back their every trade.

You’ll see how just 3 of these trades could have generated $1.3m in profit starting with a $5k stake.

And how 2-5 times every month these “Insider Traders” signal some of the biggest moves the market sees…

Alerting you of these opportunities up to 60 times a year.

PLUS you will also get my #1 pick to help you start building your portfolio…

To learn the full details, click the button below that say 'Watch This On Demand Training Now'.

*By submitting this form you agree to receive emails from Insiders Report and there partners.

Wanted: Investors & Traders Interested In Consistent Income Generation

If you are interested in generating extra income, or even full-time income from your trading efforts, then this may be one of the best strategies for pulling consistent cash flow from the market.

It starts by learning how to identify one unique pattern that occurs regularly in the stock market. It’s easy to miss, however. So you need to know exactly where to look.

To learn more about this pattern, please click ‘Tell Me More About This Unique Income Pattern’ below and we’ll send you more details via email.  You’ll also be redirected to a page that will provide you with additional information.

*By following the “Show Me Your Investing Strategy” link above, you will be subscribed to Theo Trade’s e-letter.

Continued from the previous page…

Look At This Pattern Below...

What Do You See?

If this pattern doesn't capture your attention like high beams from oncoming traffic, then chances are you're missing out on anywhere between $500-$5,000 a week in trading profits.

Dear Reader,

Imagine this:

A swift 36% growth on your investment in just one day. You’d turn a $1,000 investment into $1,360 almost overnight.

Or how about transforming a $3,000 stake into $4,500 in just 5 days? You’re in, you’re out… and your pocket is now lined with $1,500 in ‘weekend’ money.

These results aren’t fantasy—they’re what I do for a living.

Hi, this is Don Kaufman. While I'm known as the self-made millionaire trader who has trained over 7 million traders globally, today I bring you something I’m even more proud of.

It’s a unique pattern I discovered that occurs regularly in the stock market.

Once you know where to look for it, you won’t be able to unsee it.

This isn’t about making a few successful trades just to give it all back.

It’s about achieving remarkable consistency from your trading efforts.

How consistent? Try 311 wins out of 315 trades with minimal exposure to risk.

“Ahem” [clears throat, loosens tie] … there is risk. If anyone tries to tell you their trading method doesn’t have some risk, run away.

I’m just saying, if you understand how to do it my way, I feel the risk is relatively low.

The market can be complex, but I’ve broken my strategy down into a simple, effective system.

Even friends and family of mine, some with no prior trading experience, are now seeing substantial returns. I’ve been told my way of trading has simplified the pursuit of solid, consistent market gains...


  • If you are serious about the pursuit of aggressive wealth growth through reliable income generation…

  • If you’re looking for a strategy that delivers significant gains with minimal effort,

  • If you’re tired of jumping trading system to trading system just to achieve lackluster results…

Then you need to watch a video I put together that explains how it all works.

Scroll down and click the button that says 'Discover The Unique Pattern' to learn more.

But before you do, there's something you should know…

Go ahead and watch my video to see how I identify opportunities and trade them for maximum profit with minimal risk...

If you feel this system could work for you, then you’re going to have the opportunity to try it out risk-free.

That’s how confident I am in its effectiveness. I put my money where my mouth is, and I wouldn’t have it any other way.

To watch the demo video now, click the button below that says, ‘Discover The Unique Pattern’ and you’ll be instantly redirected.

Turn $3,000 Into $4,500 In Just 5 Days? Here’s How

Dear reader,

Imagine transforming a $3,000 investment into $4,500 in just five days or flipping $1,000 into $1,360 in just 24 hours.

For traders who follow my system, achieving such remarkable gains in a matter of hours or days is not an exception, but the norm.

And with such a condensed timeframe for achieving these impressive gains, many are hailing this strategy as the best income-generating method they've ever traded!

Would you like to see the stock market pattern I discovered that can help you achieve these results with minimal risk, weekly?

Then just click the button below!

*Clicking ‘Take Me To The Video’ link will subscribe you to Theo Trade’s e-newsletter.

Reclusive Multi-Millionaire Trader Hasn't Lost A Single Trade Nearly A Decade...

This reclusive multi-millionaire's trading strategy hasn't closed a single losing trade all year...

In fact, it has a 97% accuracy at hitting winners for nearly a decade!

That's during a global pandemic, rising inflation, and a stock market in serious turmoil.

I can't think of another analyst who can boast a track record with THIS many winners…Here is just a sampling of them:

Real Winners (With NO Losers In Between. Results Are Audited)

  • 96% gains on Thermo Fisher Scientific (TMO)

  • 92% with Costco (COST)

  • 108% from Invesco ETF (QQQ)

  • 59% off of Merck (MRK)

  • 12% with SPDR DJIA (DIA)

  • 58% on IBM (IBM)

  • 100% on AutoZone (AZO)

  • 100% with Eli Lilly (LLY)

  • 100% on Archer Daniels (ADM)

  • 28% from Illinois Tool Works (ITW)

  • 112% on Western Digital (WDC)

Alright, So…How Does He Do It?

The answer? Options... or rather a unique twist on an options trade.

And today, he wants to reveal its secrets to you.

This strategy has allowed him to:

  • Retire early (at just 37 years old) as a multimillionaire

  • Establish one of the top track records on Wall Street

  • Trade successfully in bull AND bear markets

And right now, he's offering a rare peek inside his trading strategy - and you need to see it to believe it. 

Click the button below that says 'Yes, Let Me See This Options Strategy Now!' to take you to the video.

When You Haven’t Closed A Losing Trade In Nearly A Decade, Money Tends To Pile Up Rather Quickly…

Meet the “normal” man whose hobby achieved “abnormal” results, allowing him to retire at age 37 as a millionaire…


He’s a Lawyer by trade.

He’s also living proof that you don’t need to work on Wall Street to make money as if you work on Wall Street.

And as you read above, he’s figured out a style of trading that is so consistent, so unflappable, that he hasn't closed a losing trade in close to a decade!

No wonder he waved goodbye to the 9-to-5 grind and retired as a millionaire before hitting 40.

He's not a Wall Street guru with inside connections or a mathematician crunching complex algorithms.

He's someone who looks like an everyday individual but trades like he has inside information (he doesn’t, by the way).

But he does appear to be immune to market chaos and unfazed by global pandemics, economic downturns, and even wars.

If this true story has captured your attention, then click the I’m Intrigued, Tell Me More button below to learn more details.

Continued from the previous page...

He's A Normal Man, But NOT A Normal Trader...Which Is Why Retiring At The Age Of 37 As A Millionaire Is So Remarkable

With a 97% Win Rate on His Closed Trades For Close To A Decade…You’ll want to Watch His Next Move Very Carefully


In an era where the financial markets have become a rollercoaster of highs and lows, punctuated by global pandemics and skyrocketing inflation, a lone trader stands in stark contrast to the crowd.

For close to a decade, he’s maintained a staggering 97%-win rate. And in case you're wondering—this year, he's closed zero losing trades.

But who is this reclusive multi-millionaire, and what's the secret sauce behind his uncanny ability to generate consistent profits?

Unearthly Wins in Both Bull and Bear Markets

While others sit at the edge of their seats, clutching onto every market news headline looking for a ‘tip’ that will change their fortune, this trader seems to exist in a parallel universe of endless profits.

Don't just take our word for it; the numbers speak for themselves. Here are some of the incredible gains he’s made in the volatile markets of 2021, 2022 and 2023:

Real Winners (With NO Losers In Between. Results Are Audited)

  • 96% gains on Thermo Fisher Scientific (TMO)
  • 92% with Costco (COST)
  • 108% from Invesco ETF (QQQ)
  • 59% off of Merck (MRK)
  • 12% with SPDR DJIA (DIA)
  • 58% on IBM (IBM)
  • 100% on AutoZone (AZO)
  • 100% with Eli Lilly (LLY)
  • 100% on Archer Daniels (ADM)
  • 28% from Illinois Tool Works (ITW)
  • 112% on Western Digital (WDC)

Alright, So…How Does He Do It?

The question on everyone's lips is obvious: What does he know that others don't?

In distressing times while most traders panic and sell off assets or cling to losing stocks in despair, he exudes a quiet confidence that has become his hallmark.

In bullish times when everyone seems to be printing money, he’s lapping even some of Wall Street’s best traders while keeping a close eye on managing risk for when the party ends.

The trader has never fully disclosed his exact strategy in public, but what we can tell you is that it's unlike anything Wall Street has ever seen.

Money = Freedom For Him

But the tale doesn't end with mere financial gains; there's a larger narrative here that's just as riveting. The trader's unique approach has translated into life-altering outcomes:

  • He achieved early retirement at the tender age of 37, entering the multi-millionaire league
  • He built one of Wall Street's most enviable track records, making even seasoned analysts jealous
  • He demonstrated the versatility to trade successfully not just in bull markets, but also in bearish conditions, a feat few can match

The Next Chapter: Your Invitation To Watch His Video Interview (Right Now, On The Next Page, For Free)

The mystery trader has remained behind the scenes for long enough and has created a video interview that explains the high level of his approach to trading.

The video will get you up to speed regarding who he is, his full story, how he has achieved these results, and what you need to do to follow his next moves.

If we STILL have your attention, then please click the button below that says ‘Yes! Bring Me To The Video Interview’

Top Analyst Makes Bold Prediction:

"This Profound new DNA-based tech will grow 320,000% in just 3 years"

Dear Reader,


Adam’s research shows a radical new technology is set to grow 10X faster than the internet … and drastically alter manufacturing, healthcare, agriculture … even energy.


Nvidia’s CEO said it will be, “flat out, the biggest [tech] revolution ever.”


Elon Musk called it “amazing…”


Visionaries like Bill Gates and Jeff Bezos are betting billions on it.

And it’s easy to see why…


Adam predicts that this profound new DNA-based tech will grow 320,000% in just 3 years.


And one small company's patented technology – what he calls the "smart cell" microchip - is at the heart of this revolution.


Most investors missed out on the massive, early gains in AI…


But this could prove to be even bigger … much bigger.


Those who get in now have the chance to turn a small stake into an absolute fortune.


Stock trend expert Adam O'Dell just released the details on the $10 stock he calls "The Next Intel" — the one company poised to dominate this radical new biotechnology revolution.


Click "Tell Me About the Next Intel" button below to learn more.

Breaking News:
Elon Musk Invents New Type of A.I. (Shocking)


Dear Reader,




When you click below and see what Elon Musk's new invention does...


And how it works.


You may NOT believe it.


You'll tell yourself this is just science fiction.


But Elon just tested this in a real human...


And the result was mind-blowing..


Click below to see it...


Because I believe Elon Musk could provide wealth-building opportunities with this new A.I. invention...


And I found a way for you to go along for the ride.


To find out more about Elon Musk's new AI Invention, click the button below that says "Yes, Tell Me More".

How You Could Make Consistent Income No Matter What The Market Does

Your FREE copy of "The Money Press Method: How to Generate Consistent Income Using Weekly Options, No Matter What the Market Does" is ready to ship today!

Throughout the course of this comprehensive, 100-page book, you’ll learn everything from the basics of options to one of the most powerful strategies on the planet, the Money Press Method.

Here’s everything you’ll get with your instant access:

​✔ INSTANT Digital Access to the Money Press Method - so you can start putting this method to work before your book arrives

✔ Hard Copy of the guidebook rushed directly to your doorstep

✔ 2 Bonus Quick-Start Training Videos, including the Money Press Method strategy training, and the popular...

✔ "How To Get Started On $10,000 or Less" video training

Normally this bundle retails for $79.00. But not today.

Right now, we’re giving away FREE hard copies of this guidebook -plus- the complete tutorial bundle!

Once you have the Money Press Method in hand, you’ll immediately discover these timely benefits:

  • Weekly income potential (the Money Press gives you this while carefully managing risk)

  • Because it's a "market-neutral" strategy, the Money Press works under any set of market conditions, including NOW...

  • Minimal time investment: trades can be executed in approx. 30 minutes each week

  • Sleep-At-Night protection is built right in - no more nervous checking your account day and night

  • Small account OK! Trade the world's top stocks (even if they're $600, $700, or more) with accounts less than $10,000

And that’s just an idea of what you’ll receive…

The guidebook plus the complete tutorial bundle is FREE to you today.

Of course, we can only keep this offer live while supplies last. So get in today before they’re gone!

Simply click “Yes” below to claim your complimentary copy PLUS the complete Money Press Method tutorial bundle, FREE! 

By clicking the button, you are getting a free subscription to Traders Edge Network newsletter

Honey, we’re out of money…

Imagine having to tell your spouse that you’ve run out of money. It's a devastating prospect that haunts many Americans nearing or already in retirement.

Relying solely on dividends from stock investments is common, but with inflation soaring and dividend yields at just 3%, traditional methods are failing millions. This threatens financial security, peace of mind, and causes severe 'Running Out of Money' Anxiety.

If you haven't felt this anxiety yet, chances are you will.

That's why you need a different strategy to grow retirement accounts faster and generate income beyond survival needs.

Traditional investing is eroding the value of millions of Americans' retirement accounts. To maintain your lifestyle, you need an investing strategy that generates consistent income and outperforms inflation.

So, how are people successfully creating retirement income while protecting their savings?

I explain how in a comprehensive video, which you can gain instant access to by clicking the button below!

*By following the “Show Me Your Investing Strategy” link above, you will be subscribed to Theo Trade’s e-letter.

Why Most Folks Lose
In Options Trading

Dear reader,

Former Hedge Fund Manager Places Income Trade LIVE On Camera

Scroll down and click the button to learn more.

Most people think of BUYING options when they talk about options.

It’s how speculators leverage large sums of money hoping that a stock moves in the “right” direction over a certain period of time.

The problem is - they don’t always pay off when you buy them.

In fact, a contributing writer at the Financial Post studied options extensively…

And he discovered that up to 95% of all options buyers actually LOSE money on their trades at expiration - even if they’re right about the underlying move!

That means most investors who buy options are completely wasting their money…

But a lot of folks don’t realize that there’s another way to play the game…

You see, options are a zero-sum game… Meaning when the option buyer loses, the seller wins.

So in an ideal world, if BUYING options loses 95% of the time…

Then it stands to reason that SELLING the options would let you win 95% of the time.

And that’s helped this new income trick compile an incredible 97.1% win rate…

To make things simple… I tell my readers to think of it like Las Vegas…

When you’re BUYING options, you’re the gambler pulling the slot machine hoping for a big win.

But when you’re SELLING options you switch sides…

You go from being the sucker just waiting to lose money to becoming the “house” and collecting money from almost every transaction.

And that’s exactly what has helped me to have been able to collect consistent income with this technique.

Believe me… in all my years of trading I’ve never seen anything like this.

And no, this has nothing to do with risky naked options…

Like I’ll show you in just a moment, targeting this weekly income isn’t any harder than shooting a layup.

It doesn’t matter where you live… or who you have a brokerage account with… or how much experience you have in the markets…

You just have to know which trades to place…

And I’m going to show you everything you need to know to start using this groundbreaking income tool today.

Click the button below that says 'Watch Me Trade Live' to see me place one of these trades on camera. 

By clicking the button you are opting into receiveing emails from Jack Carter Trading and its partners

Goldman Sachs Believes This Coin Can Overtake Bitcoin... NASDAQ Confirmed It Is a Contender to Be The Next Crypto King... 

And One Crypto Expert Believes This New Coin Is The Next Millionaire Maker!

This is a new Text block. Change the text.

Dear Reader,

So, you want to invest in crypto currencies??

I don't blame you.

After all, a few years ago the number of Bitcoin millionaires would fill this tiny section of the Seattle Seahawks football stadium, which is about 1000 seats.

Today the number of Bitcoin millionaires would fill the entire stadium every single seat.

That’s because thanks to bitcoin's incredible 5-year rally there are now 100,000 Bitcoin millionaires!


Many invested in Bitcoin early on and watched their account swell as it soared from a few $100 bucks to over $60,000.

If you're one of those millionaires, then congratulations!

But if you're not, don't worry, because you're about to get a second chance.

You see, as amazing as that Bitcoin rally was, it's about to look tiny like a blip on a chart.

That's because experts are saying this next rally could be 20 times greater.

Think about that… 20 times greater, which means this new opportunity has the potential to create enough millionaires...


...To fill this stadium 20 times!

But here’s the twist: This massive rally won't come from Bitcoin; it will come from a lesser known alternative crypto that Goldman Sachs confessed could overtake Bitcoin and the NASDAQ confirmed is a contender to be the next crypto king.


To learn more about this coin and determine if this is something that you want to get in on, then click 'I Want to Learn About This New Coin' button below and watch the video on the very next page to get the full details.

Gold Hits New All-Time Highs
…No end in sight!


Dear Reader,


Did you hear?


Gold recently crossed the highest price in history…


Reaching upwards of $2,300 an ounce.


And top analysts believe this is only the beginning.


Bloomberg experts have placed a bullish prediction for gold to hit $7,000 an ounce by 2025!


Which is exactly why central banks and billionaires are stocking up on gold at record rates.


A brand-new guide from Colonial Metals Group reveals…


  • The smart and safe way to invest in gold before the coming bull-run

  • Why Central Banks are buying gold at record rates

  • A gold strategy to "hack" the system and grow your wealth faster

Don’t miss out on what could be the biggest bull run in gold’s history!


If this sounds of interest to you, then please click "Yes, I'd like the free Precious Metals Investment Guide" below.

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How You Could Make Consistent Income
No Matter What The Market Does

Dear Reader,

If you're tired of mediocre returns and stomaching wild market swings, then this might be the most timely message you'll read all year.

Introducing The Money Press Method: A simple, yet powerful strategy that has the potential to unlock consistent weekly income streams using just this ONE trading technique.

And today, I’m offering a limited opportunity to claim your personal copy for FREE. (US customers only).

Simply visit the next page, and enter your details to claim your complimentary copy of The Money Press Method: How to Generate Consistent Income Using Weekly Options, No Matter What the Market Does -PLUS- the complete Money Press Method tutorial bundle, FREE. (limited time)

Whether you're an experienced trader or new to the markets, this comprehensive 100-page guide reveals a trading approach so remarkably effective, it could be the only strategy you'll ever need.

Here’s everything you’ll get when you order today: 

INSTANT Digital Access to the Money Press Method before your book arrives

Hard Copy of the guidebook rushed directly to your doorstep

2 Bonus Quick-Start Training Videos, including the Money Press Method strategy training, and the popular...

"How To Get Started On $10,000 or Less" training

Normally this bundle retails for $79.00. But not today.

Right now, we’re giving away FREE hard copies of this guidebook -plus- the complete tutorial bundle right here.

Once you have the Money Press Method in hand, you’ll immediately discover these timely benefits:

  • Weekly income potential (the Money Press gives you this while carefully managing risk)

  • Because it's a "market-neutral" strategy, the Money Press works under any set of market conditions, including NOW...

  • Minimal time investment: trades can be executed in approx. 30 minutes each week

  • Sleep-At-Night protection is built right in - no more nervous checking your account day and night

  • Small account OK! Trade the world's top stocks (even if they're $600, $700, or more) with accounts less than $10,000

And that’s just an idea of what you’ll receive…

All we ask is that you cover the $7 shipping cost.

That’s it. The guidebook plus the complete tutorial bundle is FREE to you today.

Of course, we can only keep this offer live while supplies last.

So get in today by clicking the button below and make sure you claim your tutorial bundle before they’re gone.

Preston James

Traders Edge Network

By clicking the button, you are getting a free subscription to Traders Edge Network newsletter

Goldman Sachs Believes This Coin Can Overtake Bitcoin... NASDAQ Confirmed It Is a Contender to Be The Next Crypto King... 

And One Crypto Expert Believes This New Coin Is The Next Millionaire Maker!

This is a new Text block. Change the text.

Dear Reader,

So, you want to invest in crypto currencies??

I don't blame you.

After all, a few years ago the number of Bitcoin millionaires would fill this tiny section of the Seattle Seahawks football stadium, which is about 1000 seats.

Today the number of Bitcoin millionaires would fill the entire stadium every single seat.

That’s because thanks to bitcoin's incredible 5-year rally there are now 100,000 Bitcoin millionaires!


Many invested in Bitcoin early on and watched their account swell as it soared from a few $100 bucks to over $60,000.

If you're one of those millionaires, then congratulations!

But if you're not, don't worry, because you're about to get a second chance.

You see, as amazing as that Bitcoin rally was, it's about to look tiny like a blip on a chart.

That's because experts are saying this next rally could be 20 times greater.

Think about that… 20 times greater, which means this new opportunity has the potential to create enough millionaires...


...To fill this stadium 20 times!

But here’s the twist: This massive rally won't come from Bitcoin; it will come from a lesser known alternative crypto that Goldman Sachs confessed could overtake Bitcoin and the NASDAQ confirmed is a contender to be the next crypto king.


To learn more about this coin and determine if this is something that you want to get in on, then click 'I Want to Learn About This New Coin' button below and watch the video on the very next page to get the full details.

Silver Expected for Extreme Price Action

…Solar & EV Boom Could Cause Silver to SKYROCKET!

Dear Investor,

Booming silver demand may lead to “extreme price action,” according to one TD strategist.

The growing demand for the physical precious metal is being driven by a boom in solar capacity across the world…

In fact WSJ reports demand is forecasted to increase over 170% by 2030.

Along with an uptick in the electric vehicles market (increasing 35% year-over-year) – experts believe the price of silver will continue to climb.

Our newest Silver Investment Guide reveals how savvy investors are capitalizing on silver’s continued rise – PLUS a little-known loophole that allows investors to move a portion of their savings into silver, tax-free and penalty-free.

This guide is 100% FREE.

A long-term investment in silver today could prove to be extremely valuable...

Discover more factors driving this silver boom, and how you could even start investing within your retirement account today.

If this sounds of interest to you, then please click "Yes, I'd like a free copy of The Silver Investment Guide" below.

You'll be instantly redirected to a page that looks like this:
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Scroll down and click the button to learn more.

Click the button below to get your free Silver Investment Guide.

Got $1,500? 
3 Hot Growth Stocks to Buy Right Now


Dear Reader,


With only $1,500 to invest, you’re at the starting line of potentially life-changing financial growth. We have one simple investing philosophy behind our greatest returns — we don’t recommend you buy any stocks if you’re not willing to hold them for at least 5 years. That’s the simple investing philosophy behind our greatest returns.


We are focused on the long-term. Let the day traders work all day for their 5% blips here and there, and fret when the market falls off for a month. We play an entirely different game -- a game measured by huge percentage points of profit, and counted in years.


And given the volatility presented in the market over the past couple of years, we think this strategy has never been more crucial.


It’s hard to believe, but 2023 marked the 30-year anniversary of the founding of The Motley Fool.


It’s truly amazing that we were able to go from publishing an investment newsletter for 300 or so subscribers out of a literal shed…


To serving hundreds of thousands of paid members and millions more hardworking investors on our free site.


The analyst team at The Motley Fool have put together a heck of a run. And since I have the luxury of working with them, I know what they’re most proud of is their ability to consistently lead investors to some of the most life-changing investment returns the market has ever seen. I’m talking, of course, about companies like:

  • Amazon up 25,307% (since Stock Advisor recommended it Sept. 9, 2002)
  • Netflix up 34,825% (since Stock Advisor recommended it Dec. 17, 2004)
  • Nvidia up 79,093% (since Stock Advisor recommended it April 15, 2005)

Those are actual investment recommendations The Motley Fool has shared with our investing community over the years.


We know what you’re thinking. You would have had to invest in those companies over 15 years ago to see those types of returns. Many members did and have seen those life changing returns.


But don’t feel like you’ve missed out...


In all the winning stock picks over the last 5 years, The Motley Fool already has several recommendations that have returned more than 100% (yes, even with current market conditions).


Some of our best of these recommendations include:

  • HubSpot (up 210%) since December 5, 2019
  • The Trade Desk (up 416%) since November 7, 2019
  • Tesla (up 765%) since January 2, 2020

I want to make sure I reemphasize that the returns you are seeing are all from recommendations we’ve made in just the last 5 years!


What does that tell you? There are still amazing companies out there -- and our dedicated analysts are tirelessly working every day to identify more of these companies for our members.


Imagine the potential these recommendations could have if given 15 years to mature like we did with Amazon, Netflix, and NVIDIA.


Is the greatest investing “secret” of all even a secret?


Maybe not, but judging by the short-term mindset of many investors -- individual and institutional alike -- it may as well be.


David Gardner said it perfectly when he wrote, “So scribble this down and put it on your fridge door: Find good companies and hold those positions tenaciously over time to yield multiples upon multiples of your original investment.”


That’s it. That’s our “secret”.


And you could just look at any of the great companies of our time. You can just look at the stock market over time. The facts are all there, but it's amazing how obscured they are by the media coverage of the markets and by how people mis-learn investing, often very early in their careers.


Go back to our early picks of Amazon and Netflix? What if you had sold those positions too early because you were so focused on short-term gain? 


After all, if you sold Netflix in its second year or Amazon in its third year, and you didn't get to enjoy the 10th and 15th year of your holding, you left almost untold amounts of money on the table. Think of it this way: You held one of these positions for three years because you bought low and sold high. Sure you made a three-bagger... But, If you had held your positions in one of these stocks for 10 years, you could have grown your position 150x! Ever heard of a 150-bagger? At The Motley Fool, we sure have.


The Time Is Now!


Motley Fool Stock Advisor sees an average return of 758%. But every so often, our team issues what we call a ‘Double Down’ recommendation: a chance for investors who missed the boat on a great stock to get in again…and a chance for investors who did buy to add to their gains.


Remember, we’ve never rested on our laurels. We are continuously working to find those next great potential stock picks. 


We’ve announced three ‘Double Down’ recommendations, exclusively for Stock Advisor members. So, if you’re the sort of investor who is looking to place small amounts of money (as little as $1,500) in stocks with long-term growth potential, then you’re going to be very happy you took the time to learn more on the next page.

To learn more, click the button below that says "Yes, I'm Interested In The 3 Double Down Recommendations".

By clicking "Yes, I'm Interested In The 3 Double Down Recommendations", you consent to us keeping you informed about updates to our website and about other products and services that we think might interest you. You can unsubscribe at any time.  Terms and Conditions

Returns as of 7/15/24. John Mackey, former CEO of Whole Foods Market, an Amazon subsidiary, is a member of The Motley Fool’s board of directors. Adam Jones has positions in and Okta. The Motley Fool has positions in, HubSpot, Netflix, Nvidia, Okta, Tesla, and The Trade Desk. The Motley Fool has a disclosure policy.

The Motley Fool respects your privacy and strives to be transparent about our data collection practices. We use your information to customize the site for you, to contact you about your membership, provide you with promotional information, and in aggregate to help us better understand how the service is used.

Past performance is not a predictor of future results. Individual investment results may vary. All investing involves risk of loss.

Elites Are Exploiting
A “Cash-Free Loophole”
To Make Billions With Gold

Here’s how to legally exploit the same loophole as the financial elites

Dear Reader,


There’s ONE investment that’s held by over 97.6% of the ultra wealthy that they would NEVER tell you about. 


And if they did, they will be modest on how heavy they are on this play in their portfolio.


For many it’s the foundation of their holdings. 


It’s the underground base that you do not see, but holds up the empire that they have built.


And it’s no surprise they rarely tout this pick as one of America’s best investments since 1999 (+570%).


We’re talking about Gold….


Most are well aware of the wealth protection benefits that gold offers. 


But since 2022 central banks and billionaire whale investors are buying more gold than any other point in American history.


  • David Einhorn of Greenlight Capital has invested $40 million.
  • Hedge fund legend, John Paulson, invested $200 million.
  • Even the Oracle of Omaha, Warren Buffett, has over $500 million in gold and precious metals.

What they’ll never tell you, is how they’re leveraging a little-known tax-free loophole that allows you to invest in gold without putting up any of your own cash.


This loophole allows you to opt out of the insanity in your traditional retirement account, for a specialized option that allows you to own precious metals tax free and penalty free.


Our team at Colonial Metals, designed a Free Gold Investment Guide that gives you all of the details and shows you how you can execute it flawlessly to protect and grow your wealth.


It’s been the top-secret investment strategy of the wealthy elite for decades.


If this sounds of interest to you, then please click "Yes, I'd like a free copy of The Precious Metals Investment Guide" below.

You'll be instantly redirected to a page that looks like this
(see below for example of the page where you will be redirected)

Scroll down and click the button that says "Yes, I'd like a free copy of the Precious Metals Investment Guide" to learn more.

Click the button below to get your free Precious Metals Investment Guide now.

$5k To $1.3m In Just 3 Trades

This Consistently Signaled Gains Of 453%... 610%... And Even 1036%...

It doesn’t happen often, but occasionally, something completely unique comes across my radar.

In this case, I’m talking about legal “Insider Trading”.

These traders have consistently signaled 453% … 610% .. and even 1036%... gains.

And until now they have been doing it completely under the radar.

In fact, it’s one of the best kept secrets on Wall Street.

But in an upcoming interview the market expert Steven Place will be revealing the strategy behind this gold-mine and how you can piggy back their every trade.

You’ll see how just 3 of these trades could have generated $1.3m in profit starting with a $5k stake.

And how 2-5 times every month these “Insider Traders” signal some of the biggest moves the market sees…

Alerting you of these opportunities up to 60 times a year.

PLUS you will also get my #1 pick to help you start building your portfolio…

To learn the full details, click the button below that say 'Watch This On Demand Training Now'.

*By submitting this form you agree to receive emails from Insiders Report and there partners.

(64 wins - 0 losses)

Just Set It... And Forget It

Dear reader,

Have you heard of the “Income Glitch” this computer whiz has discovered on one little-known ticker?

He’s been making out like a bandit with a 100% success rate on over 64 trade opportunities!

Take a look at this…

All you have to do is wait for him to give you the GREEN LIGHT to buy the stock… 

Take a few seconds to enter the undefeated “Income Glitch” trade straight from your cell phone… 


Then you can practically set it and forget it because these trades are designed to close out automatically.

Just like they have for the last 64 trades in a row!!

Which means less time spent staring at screens all day… 


And more time doing the things you love!


Granted, he can never promise future returns or against losses, but…

If you would like to discover what the (64-0) Income Glitch trade is all about…

And more importantly, get in on what could be the 65th winning trade in a row…


Click the button below that says 'Check Out The Income Glitch Trading Workshop!'

There’s no cost to attend, meaning you’ll discover the ticker for free!

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